Thursday, December 07, 2006

I can't save anyone...

I can't save anyone even though I really want to. Someone told me that I have Florence Nightingale Syndrome, which basically says that I help someone to feel powerful and I have the urge to do it even though it's not possible for me to be the solution. This means that I will become someone that someone depends on...they could miss out on really relying on God and they could miss out on seeing that they can do things on their own. How this affects me? I spend energy trying to be something for someone and after a while it becomes a burden, because I am not the answer, I just want to be. In the process I miss out on having my needs met. In a lot of these cases, I want someone to be there for me and give something to me in return...I just don't say it. I act like someone who can help them hoping I'll get it in return. *sigh* So, the lesson I have to keep telling myself "I can not help him" "I can not help them" "I can not help" I am not helpless, I am just not able to help as big as I want to.
So, that's what's up.

2007 is coming soon. I am not able to settle for what I have been anymore. It was pointed out that that is what I have been doing. I am not trying to go there anymore. If you are not trying to man up...then step down. Don't feed me tidbits and think that I am okay with that. I am not...I am too old for that. I need and deserve MORE!! It's rough to not see the end of the I am thinking of it and traveling on a country scenic route. There are plenty of nice things to see and experience on my way to my destination, but they are not where I need to stay. I will smell the roses, learn something and move along. *sigh* I am not alone. Life is good. I am going to get what I need. I'm okay.

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